Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tim Price

Walt: Create a DLO on someone from the Olympics  

We had to give create a DLO on an Olympic athlete and post it to our blog. They had to be someone that's competing in the Tokyo Olympics. We had to add loads of information such as videos and facts about there personal life. 


I found it easiest to write about the Olympics history.
I found it hardest to find a video online of Tim Price.
Next time I will add another picture of Tim Price .


  1. Nǐ hǎo Tabby, I enjoyed reading your slides about the history of the Olympics and your NZ athlete Tim Price. I liked your images, and some of your facts. Maybe next time you can work on including a video that includes Tim Price, the NZ Equestrian/Eventer and some more information about Tim Price's career and personal profile. Here's a site that may help https://www.olympic.org.nz/athletes/tim-price/. Keep up the good effort, Ms Peters.

  2. Hello Tabby it's Mana in your class. I really enjoyed reading your interesting blog comment about Tim Price. I think it was super cool. Maybe next time you could add some more videos. Also your facts are interesting. Blog you later, Mana.

  3. Hello Tabby, I liked your Olympics slide about Tim price it was cool. Maybe next time make the text a different color, so it's easy to read. See you later. From Hannah.

  4. Hi Tabby its nike here. I really liked reading your Olympics slide about Tim Price. I liked how you made it easy for the reader to read. Maybe next time you could make the words on slide 2 bigger. I love you facts you have about Tim Price. Keep up the great work. Blog ya later!
