Friday, August 13, 2021

Refugees response sheet

Walt: Learn and fill out a refugee reading response sheet


What is a refugee?

A refugee is someone who has to escape a country because of dangers such as war, disease, illness, and overpopulation

What happens to refugees in NZ?

New Zealand refugees are granted permanent New Zealand citizenship.

Reading title and author

Where was the refugee from and where did they go to?

Describe the journey

What happened for them in the new country?

What did you learn from their story

Nz refugee Quota Programme 

The refugee was from a dangerous place and came to Nz

The journey starts when the Refugee comes from the dangerous place and have to past several health assessments before being allowed in 

The Refugees learn the new languages get enrolled in school and get a job and there are places in Nz set up to help the refugee 

I learned from their story that's being a refugee is hard 

Refugees coming to New Zealand 

The refugees come from 3 places overseas to NZ

The journey started when they wanted to leave the country so they immigrated to NZ and started the new life 

The Refugees had to apply for visas and drivers licenses and bank accounts e.g 

I learned from the story that you need to apply for more stuff in different countries. 

Refugee and protection 

The refugees come from overseas to NZ 

The journey started when they arrived that Nz had to protect and look after them and help them get well-paid jobs 

In the new countries, the refugees get new jobs and they get their lives sorted 

I learned that the New Zealand refugee protection helps refugees get jobs. 

What is a refugee?

The refugees escape a violent country and come to Nz 

The journey starts when they have escaped the country and go to a safer place where they are protected and they get an education and a new life 

In the New countries, the refugees' lives are much better and they get education and safety. 

I learned that the refugees are looked after and protected 

The polish refugee children 

Babicias family escaped and they had a very difficult trip and managed to say alive 

When their journey started it was difficult to stay alive and it was a long journey and Babicias was not allowed to go to school as she often suffered from malaria. But eventually, he moved to New Zealand  

In New Zealand, Babicia had the chase for a proper life she got to go to school and proper health care and proper life. 

I learned that moving to a new country can change someone's life. 

Over the past few days, we have been reading a bunch of stories about refugees and fill out this table. We learned loads about refugees.


I found it easiest to read the articles on refugees 
I found it hardest to fill out the tables 
Next time I will read the articles on refugees in more detail

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Tabby, ko Ms Peters toku ingoa. Nō te kura o Ahipara ahau. I enjoyed reading what you learned about Refugees on your reading response sheet, you can tell you did a lot of reading, ka pai. Maybe you could check your response sheet isn't going over the left side of the page. Keep up the good effort! Haere rā.
