Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Holiday Recount

 Walt: Create a deconstructed recount based on your holidays. 

Our class had to create a recount based on what we did on our holidays. We had to include stuff like smell, taste, feel touch and hear - the five senses. We got to choose anything we wanted to write about and we made it on a google slide and chose fonts and backgrounds! 

I found it hardest to decide what to do for the taste sense because it was hard to tell. 
I found it easiest to copy it from my book and to my Chromebook and add backgrounds and fonts. 
Next time I will add more detail to the taste sense and maybe choose a different memory of my holidays. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Walt: Complete a statistics slide deck 


Today in maths we were learning about statistics and we had to complete a slide deck. Mines down there below. 


I learned about the different forms of graphs/charts.
I also learned about different pay rates in New Zealand. 
Next time I will set it out neater. 
I found it easiest to fill out the bar graphs. 
I found it hardest to fill out the line graphs.